About What’s on Netflix

Last updated: October 22nd, 2024

Who Are We?

Established in August 2013 by Tim Colman and Kasey Moore, What’s on Netflix aims to guide Netflix subscribers and enthusiasts in discovering their next favorite series or staying informed about the latest in movies and TV shows. Over the years, it has grown into the premier independent Netflix fansite, attracting tens of millions of visitors annually. Notably, 2022 was a record-breaking year for site traffic.

What’s on Netflix dedicates itself to comprehensive Netflix coverage, including Netflix Originals from around the globe and the offerings of specific countries like the US and the UK.

The site offers a wealth of resources, including upcoming Netflix releases, sneak peeks at future projects, daily updates on new Netflix content, and exclusive reports not available elsewhere. Our insights are backed by data, drawing from our extensive guide library, Netflix’s own top 10 lists, and information from various partners.

You can follow us on various platforms beyond just our website, including:

Hundreds of respected and high-profile online outlets have cited us, including national newspapers and Hollywood industry trades like The Wrap and Variety VIP+. High-profile outlets featuring us include The New York Times, Business Insider, Time Magazine, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Bloomberg, The Guardian, NPR, The Verge, Tech Crunch, Wired, CNET, Daily Mail, the LA Times, The Wrap, BuzzFeed, Fortune, MarketWatch, Yahoo Entertainment and many others, as illustrated by the logos below.

You can read our 2022 profile by Insider.com here.

Whats On Netflix Cited In News Outlet Logos

Logos of outlets that have cited What’s on Netflix


A complete list of What’s on Netflix authors can be found here.

We employ writers from around the globe with varied backgrounds and experiences. Our main contributors are from the United Kingdom, the United States, and France.

Jacob RobinsonJacob Robinson

Senior Writer

Tigran AsatryanTigran Asatryan

Senior Writer

Frédéric DurandFrédéric Durand

Contributor and Data Specialist

Ashley HurstAshley Hurst


Andrew MorganAndrew Morgan

Movie Critic

Kathy GibsonKathy Gibson


Emily HorganEmily Horgan


Drew RyanDrew Ryan


Christopher MeirChristopher Meir


Emma ArmbrüsterEmma Armbrüster



What’s on Netflix is not owned by or affiliated with Netflix or its partners. Netflix is a registered trademark of Netflix Inc.

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. What’s on Netflix makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the website or the information. Therefore, any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

What’s on Netflix is the trading name of Posterity Information Technology Ltd.
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