Netflix along with creating lots of their own series has taken upon it self to be in the business of reviving and rebooting older shows. Fuller House is the latest one to get a reboot and while this show wouldn’t normally appeal to me, there’s something about this reboot that’s both refreshing and reminiscent of a time gone by.
For full disclosure, I’ve never seen the original show when it was on the air instead relying on best of YouTube clips and such to prepare myself for the show. So I probably will have a different perspective watching this show than anyone else.
Role Reversal
The show’s new format is a slight twist on the old Full House formula. Fast forward 20 years the girls are all grown up and having to deal with their own problems. The show’s premise is just a role reversal for the genders and instead of the men having to look after the kids it’s now time for DJ, Stephanie and Kimmy to come together and move into the same house. Honestly, it feels like Full House never left TV as the show has exactly the same vibes that caused millions to fall in love with the original series.
While most of the cast from the original is back in Fuller House, albeit some with only a few episodes each to their name, the Olsen twins are not present for the reboot which is acknowledged early on in the show with a forth wall break. The new young cast members all play a big role in the show format however it does feel like the kids in particular have come straight out of a Nickelodeon or Disney Channel show straight into this. In fact, that was a reoccurring thought for me throughout, that it reminded me as a kid watching Nickelodeon shows the few times a year my parents would let me.
Fuller House
Cheese Level 1000!
Let’s not beat around the bush here, Fuller House is from an age of corny television. At its heart, Fuller House has retained this whether it’s from the one-liners that a new show simply wouldn’t be allowed to get away with, the offbeat dancing or the fact that the audience has such a big involvement with the show. There’s a few moments, that we won’t spoil, that brings the mood down to a more realistic place but they’re few and far between.
The plots follow this format too, whether it’s from a dance competition with Macy Gray no less singing, a Coachella concert with one of the kids playing the trombone or the family getting involved with the world of underground wrestling it’s often bat-sh!t crazy. But that’s probably why this show is great. It’s almost so far removed from reality that it’s just nice to remember what it was like being a kid getting into these plots. Few shows are able to capture this but Fuller House does it well.
As I mentioned above, the live crowd plays a major role in this show and was a great cue for me as someone who hasn’t watched all of the original shows so wouldn’t understand all the references. The first episode in particular helped me understand which characters were from the original, which were the big one-liners and what direction the show would be going in. What’s odd is that the live audience is the biggest thing I hate about Big Bang Theory but works well here.
We realize we’ll be one of the only outlets that actually express some positivity for the show as critics seem to be crucifying it but the fans are loving the show’s comeback and as fans too, so are we. This is a reboot made with love for the fans of the original and its sights are definitely set on creating a brand new generation of Fuller House lovers. It’s not a comedy about real social issues with a dash of sarcasm or a warped view of reality. It’s harmless and idiotic fun.
Should you watch this show? That answer is going to depend on a few things. If you answer yes to either of these questions then you should definitely give Fuller House a spin. A) Did you watch and enjoy the original Full House? B) Did you watch any other corny live action children drama as a kid and love to get back into it? Then go and watch this show.