Sandler’s The Do-Over Gets Release Date and First Trailer Revealed

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We’ve known about The Do-Over for sometime as it marks the second movie as part of the Netflix and Adam Sandler partnership. A brand new trailer has been revealed along with its official Netflix release date, May 27th. 

In 2015, we got ridiculous according to Netflix with the release of The Ridiculous 6 and while it apparently shattered movie records on the service, it certainly didn’t shatter the critics record, at least not for being good. The first Sandler movie in a deal spanning several years, scored a measly 18 on Metacritics which is fairly low, even for a Sandler movie. While the trailer on YouTube is already being crucified on YouTube with negative comments and ratings we’re holding our judgement until we’ve seen the movie.  That means that The Do-Over can surely do better right?

Regardless of how the media covers The Do-Over though, it’ll likely be a runaway success for Netflix as Adam Sandler has this uncanny ability to pull in massive audiences and given that it’s on Netflix, what have you got to loose by watching.


The new movie stars Adam Sandler as well as David Spade, who was noticeably missing from The Ridiculous 6. The new movie is all about the life of a bank manager is turned upside down when a friend from his past manipulates him into faking his own death and taking off on an adventure.

The Do-Over will launch on Netflix alongside several other Netflix Originals too including the second season of Bloodline and the second season of Chef’s Kitchen too which means there should be something for everyone come Memorial Day.

Are you looking forward to Sandler’s second outing? Let us know below.