Castlevania, the Netflix anime series will be returning in 2018 with brand new episodes as announced by one of the writers on the show. The video-game adaptation scored favourable reviews when it landed last year but has been super quiet and we haven’t even known about the existence of a season 2 up until this point.
Being among a rare breed of American produced anime, the series faced scepticism when it was first announced especially given its prized source material. The results have faired better than Netflix’s other attempts at anime adaptations.
The series released with only four episodes which is set to double for season 2. That means there’ll be eight full-length episodes that’ll continue the story. Although Warren Ellis didn’t pinpoint the actual release date, he did indicate that it’ll release in summer 2018.
The tweet confirming season 2 and the release window is below and was tweeted on January 19th.
Sadly, we don’t have any more information about the show but a confirmation and a release window is a good start. We hope more animes that are waiting new seasons get announced soon in this manner.
Are you looking forward to new Castlevania episodes? Let us know down below.