What is Adam Sandler’s Third Netflix Movie?

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adam-sandler-netflixIf you thought that the Adam Sandler movies on Netflix we coming to an end then you are dead wrong. We’re currently two movies in on a four movie contract between Netflix and Adam Sandler’s Happy Maddison production company. We think we’ve found the details on the third movie that is scheduled to release sometime in 2017.

Just to recap for a second, we’ve now had two movies from Adam Sandler each being released roughly a year after each other. The first movie was The Ridiculous 6 which was a Western spoof where Sandler and his merry band went off in search of their dead beat father in search of answers. The movie was noted as being one of the most successful of Netflix’s entire catalog and was the biggest movie Netflix released in 2015. In May 2016, Netflix released the second Adam Sandler movie, The Do-Over starring David Spade and Paula Patton.

The deal between Happy Madison and Netflix lasts for four films which so far has been spread out to be one movie a year. In the case of The Do-Over, we knew about the movie well in advance which we simply don’t know at the moment. So what we’ve done is scoured the web for any information on future movies being produced or starring Adam Sandler which may indicate Sandlers next big Netflix movie.

Hotel Transylvania 3

This is the animated movie series that Sandler has had a massive hand in making. Given this is a sequel and given how well the previous two movies have performed at the box office, it’s very 100% likely that this is not the next Netflix movie. It’s worth pointing out though, that each of the Hotel Transylvania’s have streamed on Netflix at some point so keep an eye on that for a Netflix 2017 release date?

The Meyerowitz Stories

This is honestly our best shot at being the Netflix movie at the moment but even then, Gilded Halwing is producing the movie which doesn’t add up because the Netflix deal is between the streaming service and Happy Maddison.

The film does seem promising though with Sandler, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson on board for a remake of Yeh Din Ka Kisssa. It seems like while it does meet with the release scheduling that we predict the next Netflix Sandler movie to have, this isn’t our pick.

Untitled animated feature

Whether it’s any of the three above is yet to be seen. The likelihood is that the movie hasn’t even started filming yet given the complete lack of information out there. On the Happy Maddison wikipedia page, this movie is simply listed as TBD with only one small story covering the movie. Most crucially though, it mentions that it’s being produced with STX Entertainment as opposed to Netflix as it’s listed with The Ridiculous 6 and The Do-Over. So this one we’re kind of split on. STX Entertainment is known for creating and publishing more independent movies and as far as we’re aware, are not working with Netflix on the next Sandler project.

The truth is, we’ve been lucky to know what the Adam Sandler films have been so far in advance. We may in fact have to wait until the end of 2016 or the start of 2017 to start learning about the new Adam Sandler movie just because of how early The Do-Over was released. In any event, we’ll be here to cover it.