Will Marvel’s ‘Inhumans’ come to Netflix?

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Marvel’s Inhumans begins on ABC on September 29th for its very first season. It sets to expand the Marvel universe in the TV series format once again and one could argue with hit a saturation point while others will just be happy for more content. Will season 1 of Marvel’s Inhumans be coming to Netflix? Let’s take a look.

More comparable to Guardians of the Galaxy than your traditional Marvel characters, this new season has set the bar high given that it’ll be premiering first at IMAX screens before the series airs on ABC. Sadly, the reviews for the season so far have been less than spectacular and you can also add to that the frustration of Agents of Shield likely being delayed because of Inhumans.

The show will join other Marvel hits on ABC such as Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter. Of these shows, only Agents of SHIELD gets updated on Netflix with Agent Carter being only available on Hulu.

Given Netflix has its own licenses with Marvel in the form of The Defenders, it may decide that putting lots of money up for Inhumans may not be the best idea. On the flip side of that, it may be worth investing to make Netflix the number one source for Marvel titles.

At the moment, no streaming plans have been outlined for the show and given this lack of news, it’s safe to assume that the show will most likely default to streaming on Hulu given ABC owns part of the company.

If Netflix does decide to pick up the show we can expect it to land on the service in August/September 2018 just before a second season airs.

In the meantime, Netflix in the US has no shortage of superhero content for you to watch with most of The CW’s superhero library streaming as well as Netflix Originals Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist too.

Update (09/11/2017): The show has been listed in the coming soon post for Hulu so the show will likely live there.

Would you like to see Inhuman’s stream on Netflix? Let us know in the comments down below.