A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1: Release Date and Trailer Revealed

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a-series-of-unforuntate-events-logoLate last night, Netflix let slip the first “official” trailer for the upcoming Netflix Original series which is set to have the biggest budget of them all and is based on the book series, A Series of Unfortunate Events. It’s been known now for over a year now that the series is coming but apart from a fake trailer and snippets of information released, this is the biggest news we’ve had yet with a teaser trailer and official release date announced for the show.

The teaser which breaks the fourth wall and speaks to you directly talks about how the series is in production and gives us the very first glimpse at both the set and one of the characters.

The first official trailer is remarkably different to the first teaser trailer that turned out to be fake. I’d argue that actually the fake teaser was significantly better as it featured many more references but I’ll hold out on the final product before properly judging.

There’s still a lot to be learned regarding the series including several key cast announcements but everything points to it being one of the best series on Netflix so far. We covered the details we know in a little more detail in our preview.


On the set of Netflix Original A Series of Unfortunate Events

Alongside the teaser trailer, we also now know the official release date of the brand new show. It’ll be premiering in January 2017 on the 13th which will be the second Friday of the month. The series has big expectations – do you think they’ll live up to them?