Are the old Ghostbuster movies on Netflix?

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With the reboot of Ghostbuster releasing on the 15th of July 2016, we thought we’d revisit this post on whether any of the old Ghostbuster movies are streaming on Netflix as it’s sure to be a question given both the quality and controversy surrounding the new release of Ghostbusters starring an all female cast including the likes of Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth.

The new release of the film has sparked a massive amount of controversy. Some of it deserved, others not. Either way, you cannot deny that they had a lot to live up to given the quality and legacy left behind by the original trilogy.

Sadly, even with classic trilogies of movie franchises such as Back to the Future, Jurassic Park and Lethal Weapon, Ghostbusters has yet to see a release in the US Netflix.

The two Ghosbuster movies were known for being funny, engrossing and just an absolute joy to watch.

The very first Ghostbusters (1984) which sees the formation of the team who have their first challenge defeating a killer demon in a cellist’s apartment. You can currently stream the first movie if you’re in Japan or Canada.

The second movie, Ghostbusters II (1989) is a little more widely available with those  in Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Japan and Mexico all having streaming access via Netflix.

Why aren’t they streaming? Well, the chances are they’re making too much money from the merchandise and DVD sales to warrant contracting it out to a streaming service whether that be Netflix, Hulu or Amazon.

On-demand services such as Google Play, Apple and Vudu all host the movies but aren’t available on any kind of subscription platform. This is likely to be the case all the way throughout 2016 as the new movie is promoted which in effect will give the original movies more exposure.