Love, Death & Robots Episode 4: Suits Ending Explained

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Death Love Robots Episode Suits

Episode 4 Suits of Love, Death & Robots – Netflix

It’s time to take a look at episode 4 of Love, Death and Robots called Suits and work out all the answers to one of the best-animated episodes in the series so far. Here’s our ending explained for Suits. 

Firstly, here’s how Netflix describes the episode: A community of farmers use their homemade mechs to defend their families from an alien invasion.

Before we get into the details of the episode, here’s a few quick thoughts from myself on Suits. Firstly the animation style featured is very similar to that of Spider-man Into the Spiderverse and the nature of the episode very much felt like a turret defense game. This is something others agree with too on Reddit.

What are the creatures?

The insect-like creatures are exactly that and together they act as a swarm. Given the surprise on the mech operators faces when the large swarm begins entering, it’s a growing problem. It’s also evident that the big insect at the end is also new. That tells us the swarm while once was a manageable problem, is growing larger. At the very end of the episode, we see that the swarm is pretty much engulfed the entire dome. This doesn’t bode well given the toll the first wave hit.

There are more colonies on this planet

On the final shots of the episode, we get a glimpse that this little community is not the only one to exist. We also find out we’re not on Earth. So what’s going on? These look like colonies set up for settlements. With domes (similar to ones proposed for Mars) humans are able to live freely without the need for suits.

Other Domes On Planet Episode

All in all, despite the battle win for the colony, the war itself looks to be to the point where the humans will have to live underground. Plus, there was only one cow remaining meaning life is already going to be far more difficult for the residents.

You can see some of our earlier ending explainers in our Love, Death & Robots area.

What did you think about episode 4? Let us know in the comments.