Counterpart – Picture: Starz
The Starz series Counterpart has been canceled after two seasons for a rather strange reason. Could Netflix save Counterpart for season 3, and could it carry the previous two seasons, too? Let’s take a look.
The sci-fi thriller series from Starz first debuted in 2017, and stars J.K. Simmons, who finds the organization he works for can travel to a parallel dimension, and Simmons’s character meets his alternate self, who’s fighting in a cold war.
The series featured some fantastic sci-fi elements and was given a two-season order at Starz.
As you may know, Counterpart was canceled in April 2019, but more information has come to light in recent days about the reason for its cancelation.
Speaking at TCA, Starz said the show was “too male.” It cited how it was a complicated show, and naturally, females cannot understand complex shows (yes, we’re being sarcastic). The network notes it’s currently pushing for a “premium female” audience.
Is Counterpart seasons 1 to 2 on Netflix?
Counterpart is not streaming on Netflix in any region at the time of publishing. That means Netflix does not have any of its own metrics on making the decision to potentially pick it up.
Netflix has recently picked up the license to stream the first two seasons of Outlander from Starz (although Sony is technically the provider who sold it), so it could suggest Netflix is looking at Starz content with a keen eye.
Could Netflix pick up Counterpart for season 3?
Netflix and one of the production companies, Anonymous Content, already work together on multiple projects. These include Bonding, 13 Reasons Why, and Maniac. Netflix also carries quite a few of their other shows found on other networks, too.
Back in April, Justin Marks, the show’s creator, did give hope when he said: “We’re currently on iTunes, and we should have info about a new fantastic place where you can find both seasons very, very soon!”. We don’t know whether he was referring to another streaming platform.
Our view is that the show would make a good fit for Netflix, given its sci-fi output has been rather hit or miss. We should mention, however, that Netflix’s sci-fi output from international regions such as Dark is of higher caliber.
Now, over to you. Should Netflix give Counterpart a third season, or has the show ran its course? Let us know in the comments.