Star Wars : Rogue One Will Come to Netflix, Here’s When

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Have you seen it? You’ve seen it right? The brand new trailer for the brand new Star Wars movie that breaks away from the trilogy got its first look today and obviously this means that people will be flocking to see when they can watch it but did you know that it is also incredibly likely that Netflix will stream the movie and not only that but relatively quickly too.

Dubbed a Star Wars story Rogue One will be released in December 2016 and tell a different kind of story to the trilogy we’re being treated to over the next few years. The Star Wars story is the first of its kind but will soon be joined by the Han Solo movie that’s scheduled to arrive sometime in 2018. Our first glimpse of Rogue One reveals some interesting details, firstly we know which cast members are on board and there’s a few cross-overs here. Felicity Jones is taking the lead role as the rebel within the rebellion and she’s known for her excellent performances in The Theory of Everything, Like Crazy and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to name but a few. There’s also a few characters that debuted in episode 7 popping up in Rogue One too.

But we’re getting off course a little now. The main point of this article is to say that we believe that Star Wars : Rogue One will be coming to Netflix sometime in 2017. But why would it when all of the previous Star Wars movies, including episode 7, aren’t streaming or looking likely to stream? Well that’s because at the start of 2016 a brand new multi-million dollar contract kicked off between Netflix and Disney that will bring all of its movies to the streaming service in a prompt fashion. Of course, Lucasfilm was bought out by Disney a few years ago meaning that the contract aforementioned likely includes all future Star Wars movies, including Rogue One.

For those looking for a firm date will have to wait a little closer to the movie release but from what we’ve heard, it’ll be around the time the DVD launches which if it’s replicating the timeline of Episode 7, would mean that anywhere between March and May 2017 is a likely bet for a Netflix Streaming release date for the new Star Wars movie.