Will Doctor Strange come to Netflix?

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Doctor Strange is one of the biggest cinematic releases of the year and with the new Disney deal struck between Netflix and the owner of Marvel, we could be seeing Doctor Strange arrive onto Netflix streaming but when?

Doctor Strange marks the debut of another much loved Marvel character in the form of Doctor Strange who has the ability to bend reality. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch and has some of the most impressive visuals of the year and for me at least, is a welcome break from the MCU regulars such as Captain American and Iron Man.

The theatrical release for Doctor Strange was on October 25th, 2016.

In September 2016 we started seeing the first Disney theatrical releases come onto Netflix. The original deal was orchestrated in 2010 though that set out to bring theatrical releases to Netflix streaming soon after they release on Bluray and DVDs. It’s no surprise that this deal cost quite a lot of money.

Although specific details about how far the contract covers we’ve seen some Disney movies already start dropping on Netflix such as The Finest Hours and Zootopia. We’ve yet to have any Marvel or Star Wars content added to Netflix yet and we’re still not entirely clear whether the deal actually includes these properties too.

Let’s take a look as to when Doctor Strange may come to Netflix assuming we’ve got everything right so far. We’re predicting that it’ll take between seven and nine months (that’s how long the current titles have taken to get onto Netflix) that means it won’t be until summer 2017 when the movie will come to Netflix. It’ll likely arrive on the Netflix DVD rental service at the same time.

UPDATED: Doctor Strange will arrive on May 30th.

The movie was released in 3D and while Netflix does support 3D streaming, we doubt it’ll be added to Netflix with 3D enabled.

There’s a lot of ifs here but next month, when we expect to see Captain America: Civil War added to Netflix will give us a better idea as to when Doctor Strange is coming to Netflix.