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Tim Colman

Co-founder and Former Writer
19 articles published
Writing since February 18, 2013

Bio: Tim helped co-found What's on Netflix with Kasey back in 2013 after a career in publishing covering both the skiing and the scuba diving sectors. Tim loves the older movies and cult classics which shines through in his features and top movies list. Tim also maintains the central database for What's on Netflix driving the A-Z library. Tim resides in Norwich, UK.

Netflix Top50 May 2020

Top 50 Movies on Netflix: May 2020

Welcome to the latest What’s on Netflix top 50 movies currently streaming on Netflix for May 2020. Our selection covers a mix of the best comedy, action, romantic, sci-fi and animated movies currently streaming on...

Netflix Bbc April 2019

Best BBC Series on Netflix in 2019

The British Broadcasting Corporation is an extraordinary institution. Funded by a licence fee, which is the only ring-fenced tax in the UK, the BBC is constantly battling for funds. From it’ s budget it has...