Stranger Things Season 2 Confirmed for Release in 2017

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stranger-things-season-2-announcedSeason 2 of Stranger Things has finally been officially confirmed by Netflix and other sources around the web. While we’re still yet to receive a lot more information, we already know that we can expect season 2 of Stranger Things to release sometime in 2017.

Stranger Things took everyone by surprise this summer when it launched in August. It tells the story of a young boy called Will who’s kidnapped by something, and it’s down to 3 young heroes and a mysterious girl named Eleven to save Will from the other side.

Its mix of genres, and overall nostalgia made the show the biggest show to release on Netflix of all time beating out the likes of Daredevil and House of Cards. It’s also been regarded as the best TV series of 2016.

A short trailer was released with the announcement done in the style of the opening credits for the series, which has been one of the most praised aspects of the show.

The trailer featured a lot of phrases, but what could they mean? Here’s every one of them.

  • MadMax
  • The Boy Who Came Back to Life
  • The Pumpkin Patch
  • The Palace
  • The Storm
  • The Pollywog
  • The Secret Cabin
  • The Brain
  • and The Lost Brother

There are nine phrases included the trailer. My theory is that they’re episode names and an indication and an indication as to what the second season will be about. Season 1 released with eight episodes, and if these are chapter names, then that means that they’re increasing season 2 to 9 episodes.

It then goes on to say: “In the fall of 1984… The Adventure Continues”. This means we’ll be heading back to the same storyline as such rather than the series taking the approach of American Horror Story and being an anthology series.

Season 1 of the show took place in November 1983 but the last episode fast forwarded to Christmas. The trailer states we’ll be joining them again in the fall in the following year.

We’re super stoked that season 2 will be coming back and potentially be answering some of our questions from season 1. We’ll be updating our ‘when will season 2 of Stranger Things release on Netflix’ post to reflect the news too.