Every Stan Lee Cameo in Marvel’s ‘The Defenders’

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Stan Lee, one of the key figures at Marvel for decades has passed at the age of 95 and with his passing, we’ve compiled every appearance the creator has made across The Defenders series on Netflix. Here’s all of Stan Lee’s cameos in Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage.

The news comes as millions of fans take to the internet to express their sorrow for the loss of a true great.

Although he had a lot to do with the creation of your favorite characters, including many of The Defenders, he’s also known for his cameos. In total, he made 57 cameos in the Marvel universe and somewhere on Netflix’s The Defenders.

In The Defenders, Stan Lee assumes the role of Captain Irving Forbush according to CBR. The character was created by Stan Lee to be more of a background character back in 1955. He’s assumed to have passed away during The Defenders.

Daredevil Season 1, Season 2 (in Picture Frame)

Officer Lee Daredevil Season 1

Let’s begin with the first Defender series that kickstarted the new venture on Netflix. Stan Lee doesn’t make a physical appearance but he does show up in a picture frame at the police station.

The frame is honouring Stan Lee who is dressed in police uniform. He’s both present in season 1 and season 2 (episode 2) of the show.

Daredevil Season 3 Stan Lee Cameo

Daredevil Season 3 Stan Lee Cameo

In episode 9 of season 3, we see another poster for the NYPD. As it’s in a flashback, we see a significantly younger gentleman on the poster. We’re not 100% sure this is Stan Lee but many on Reddit seem to agree.

Jessica Jones Season 1 (In Picture Frame)

Stan Lee Jessica Jones Appearance

Much like how Stan Lee features in Daredevil, you can find his picture once again in the police station hanging up on the wall.

Luke Cage Season 1 (On Poster)

Stan Lee In Luke Cage Season 1

Luke Cage features Stan Lee in a different cameo. In the picture above which was captured briefly sees Stan Lee once again in police attire. He’s featured on a poster (similar to that of the famous US army poster) where it says “See a crime? Report it!”.

Iron Fist Season 1 & 2

Stan Lee Iron Fist Season 1 Cameo

Once again, we see Stan Lee featured on two almost identical posters in season 1 and 2 of Iron Fist.

The second season’s appearance reveals Stan Lee on a poster recruiting for the NYPD. The QR code seems to reveal the number 77871022. We’re guessing that’s the recruitment line for the NYPD but as of right now, that number is not in service.

Stan Lee Iron Fist Season 2 Easter Egg 1103550

Luke Cage & Jessica Jones Season 2 Poster

Luke Cage Season 2 Stan Lee Cameo

In season 2, Stan Lee once again appears on a poster but not for the NYPD. In a break from the norm, he’s appears on a poster for a personal law firm called Forbush and Associates. Likewise, we see a similar poster on the back of a bus during season 2 of Jessica Jones. Is Stan Lee the proprietor for the business or a victim?

Jessica Jones Stan Lee Cameo

Stan Lee Narrates The Defenders Trailer

The best appearance Stan Lee had in The Defenders universe was his narration and appearance in the trailer for season 1 of The Defenders. In it Stan Lee says:

“They’re the greatest stories ever told. Heroes show us we don’t need to be perfect or to do what’s right. It’s not about living without fear but facing injustice. It’s not about being powerful but finding your calling when you least expect it. They show us it’s OK to be vulnerable. No matter how tough you are. Because even they’re heroes, they’re still human.”

While these Stan Lee appearances aren’t quite as good as those found in the MCU movies, they do provide easter egg hunters quite a challenge.

With plenty of upcoming Marvel TV series coming to Netflix, we’re expecting many more Stan Lee appearances in The Defenders.