Netflix No Longer Looking to Stream Seinfeld

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Cast your mind back to mid-2014 when we reported on a Reddit thread which saw the actor Jerry Seinfeld state that talks are in place the could be bringing Seinfeld to Netflix. Well it looks like it’s no longer happening according to Wall Street Journal.

Given Netflix’s large budget for new titles it’s a little surprising that they’ve turned down the opportunity to stream the popular 90’s comedy show. However with episodes reportedly being sold at a cool 500,000 USD each, that’s right, each. Meaning that of the 180 episodes created it’d cost Netflix 90 million USD to get them streaming on the service, at the very least. Of course, that doesn’t include streaming on different regions of Netflix either. Making the decision possibly an easy one for Netflix.

The WSJ says that Hulu, Amazon and Yahoo are all still in the run for the series and a deal to be reached in the next few weeks. The show is still generating tons of money for the multiple stakeholders in the show two of which are the shows creators who stated that in 2010 the show had generated 2.7 billion in syndication.