This Week on Chelsea (30th Nov – 2nd Dec 2016)

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Our weekly reviews of what happens on Chelsea turned out to be quite popular so we’re returning for as long as I can. This week we got another episode of Chelsea going on holiday, more Jason Biggs contributions, more Trump bashing and fantasy football.

First Train to Tokyo

Wednesday 30th November


The first episode this week sets Chelsea off on another trip and this time it’s to Japan where she announces it’s an “island where Chinese people are free”.

We explore some Japanese traditions as well as discussing issues plaguing the nation such as fertility in younger people. In fact, that’s what keeps coming up over and over and it’s something Chelsea can’t get her head around.

Chelsea learns how to become a Geisha, making origami, meeting a crying mentor and then experiencing a crying session. Honestly, I wish these episodes were separated out from the studio episodes into its own series like Chelsea Does.

We Cannot Go Back to Sleep

Thursday 1st December


This episode starts off with a tribute to Florence Brady who passed on November 24th and was most known for her role in The Brady Bunch. Chelsea took some time to talk about why she hates her employees selling their children’s stuff at work.

Guests for this episode include Sally Field who’s promoting her brand new movie ‘Hello, My Name Is Doris’ which is now available on demand. Just not on Netflix.

Jason Biggs also joined Chelsea again as he’s a frequent contributor to the show who is promoting his wife’s book. Jason then shows off his time at Blizzcon which is a video game convention. We also then take a look at the prospect of a recount in the presidential election.

You Need to Be More Sexual

Friday 2nd December


Just a heads up, this is a celebrity filled episode.

Race car driver Dale Earnhardt Jr joined Chelsea to discuss fantasy football and Dale’s recent injury. We’re then joined by CNN political editor Van Jones who found his voice this election cycle on the network. We then head to Chelsea’s house for an interview with Miss Sloane’s Jessica Chastain.

We then get some Trump bashing when she reviews what he’s been up to.