This Week on Chelsea (July 13th – July 15th)

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A recap of all of the events that happened on this weeks three new episodes of the Netflix talk show Chelsea. This week, we get an extra long episode as Chelsea explores Mexico as well as some superb guests including the ex-president of Mexico, Bill Maher and Charlize Theron.

Vincente Fox & All Things Mexico

Wednesday July 13th

chelsea-mexico-specialIn a special extended episode of Chelsea (probably to make up for the past few weeks only having two episodes a week) Chelsea sets out to discover all things about Mexico. She travels to Mexico City to meet up with Diego Luna who is starring in the upcoming Star Wars movie Rogue One. He’s also starred in Elysium, The Book of Life and the 2004 Dirty Dancing remake. They tour Mexico City seeing the sights and sounds.

Other guests throughout the episode included Eva Longoria, former president of Mexico Vincente Fox.

We also explore bull fighting a controversial subject for many and if you don’t know why it’s controversial, then take a watch of this episode although discretion is advised.

Charlize Theron & Convention Fever

Thursday July 14th

Chalize Theron on Chelsea

Thursdays episode began with the segment I probably hate about the show the most, the two writers in front of a television screen segment. They pick up where they left off with the whole Summer Redstone debacle. Skip to 9:30 if you’d rather pass over this – we recommend it.

The big guest this episode is Charlize Theron who talks about her new animation movie, starring in Mad Max and her charity work. We have a sit down with Puerto Ricans about the upcoming general election and a talk to MSNBC correspondent Jacob Soboroff.

Bill Maher & Dirty Water Polo

Friday 15th July

bill-maher-chelseaWe hear about Chelsea’s vacation and more Donald Trump bashing. The HBO host and political commentator Bill Maher drops by to talk about his upcoming show covering the DMC and RNC conventions. We have an in-depth talk with a former police chief talking with Bill Maher about the recent police shooting and events that took place in Dallas. This is probably one of the best interviews I’ve seen so far, you’re drawn into the interview and forget you’re watching a TV show.

The second half of the show is taken up by Olympic Water Polo athlete and sports columnist, a definite change of pace.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of covering breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next.